The Heap is a Tree-based data structure where the tree is a complete binary tree. It allows storing duplicates. Despite the Tree-based visualization, Heap is implemented using an array. In many cases, the Heap data structure is also referred to as a Priority Queue.
The key of the root node must be the greatest among all of its children. The same rule is applied for all sub-trees.
The key of the root node must be the minimal among all of its children. The same rule is applied for all sub-trees.
Elements Access
- Current:
- Parent:
heap[i / 2]
- Left Child:
heap[2 * i]
- Right Child:
heap[2 * i + 1]
The process of retrieving the top element of the heap without deleting it.
// Time Complexity: O(1)
public T peek() {
return heap.size() == 1 ? null : heap.get(1);
- Insert a new element to the end of the heap array
- Compare the element’s node with its parent (
)- If the parent’s value is larger than the current node’s value (
heap[i/2] > heap[i]
), we swap them and run step №2 again from the new position - If the parent’s value is smaller or equal we exit from the loop
- If the parent’s value is larger than the current node’s value (
// Time Complexity: O(log N)
public void push(T value) {
heap.add(value); // add value to the end
int i = heap.size() - 1;
while (i > 1 && heap.get(i) < heap.get(i / 2)) {
// Swap child and parent node values until
// the parent is less then the inserted value
swap(i, i / 2);
i = i / 2;
The deletion process of the top element of the heap, and then organizing the heap and returning the deleted element with time complexity O(log N)
- Extract the top value (
) - Put the last node to the top (
heap[1] = heap[heap.length - 1]
) - Percolate the top node down until it’s in the right position:
- Pick a minimum of two children
- Compare the picked minimum node to the current element
- If the child is smaller, we swap the nodes
// Time Complexity: O(log N)
public int poll() {
if (heap.size() == 1) return null; // Heap is empty
if (heap.size() == 2) return heap.remove(1); // Heap contains 1 element
int result = heap.get(1); // Get first (root) element
// Move the last value to the root
heap.set(1, heap.remove(heap.size() - 1));
// Percolate root value down the heap
int i = 1;
while (i * 2 < heap.size()) {
int minIdx = i * 2;
int rightChildIdx = i * 2 + 1;
if (rightChildIdx < heap.size() && heap.get(rightChildIdx) < heap.get(minIdx))
minIdx = rightChildIdx;
if (heap.get(i) < heap.get(minIdx)) break;
swap(i, minIdx);
i = minIdx;
return result;
The process of creating a heap from an array.
- Move the
-index element to the end of the array - Go to the half of the array (
heap.length / 2
) - Percolate the node down until it’s in the right position:
- Pick a minimum of two children (
) - Compare the minimum child to the parent
- If the child is smaller, we swap the node
- Pick a minimum of two children (
// Time Complexity: O(N)
private void heapify(int[] items) {
heap = new ArrayList<>();
heap.add(null); // first index element is unused
// Add all items to the heap
for (int item : items) heap.add(item);
// Percolate values down the heap
for (int i = heap.size() / 2; i >= 1; i--)
percolateDown(i); // see "poll()" method
- Priority Queue is commonly implemented using the Heap data structure because it performs its operations in
O(log N)
time - Heap Sort algorithm uses the Heap to sort an array in
O(N log N)
time - Order statistics problems (to find the Kth smallest/largest element in an array) can be efficiently solved with a Heap
- In operating systems for load balancing and interrupt handling
- Quick access to the top element -
- Efficient Insertion and Deletion operations -
O(log N)
- Not suitable for retrieving random elements -
- Slower than arrays and linked lists for non-priority queue operations