

An array is a contiguous block of data stored sequentially in a computer’s RAM. The most common operations with an array are reading and writing to the data.

Data Structures - Array in memory

Case/OperationReadInsertInsert (No duplicates)SearchDelete

Arrays have a fixed size once they are first created. In most programs, we don’t know the exact amount of required items at the beginning, and this number is calculated or even changes over time. If the program reserves a higher volume, it may lead to wasting the available memory resources. On the other hand, if the initial size is not enough, the array will be overflowed, which causes an exception.

Arrays in Java

Arrays in Java are treated as objects. In the example below, the digits variable is a reference to an array, which is stored at an address elsewhere in memory (digits holds this address). The array size can’t be changed once created.

int[] digits;         // Defines a reference to an array
digits = new int[10]; // Creates the array, and sets "digits" to refer to it

int[] intArray = { 0, 1, 2 }; // Immediate array initialization

int size = digits.length; // Find array size
int digit = digits[5];    // Access array element

Java SDK provides an ArrayList wrapper class for an array that dynamically manages the size of the underlying array. If the array is about to be fulfilled, it creates a new larger array and copies all the existing items there.


  • An array of integers is automatically initialized to 0 when it’s created.
  • For initialization lists, the array size is determined by the amount of elements.

Ordered Array

The search in an Ordered Array is much faster than in an unordered array because of the Binary Search algorithm (O(log N) vs O(N)). On the other side, inserting is slower because we need to keep the elements ordered. The deletion is slow in both variations.

Ordered ArrayO(N)O(log N)O(N)


  • Ordered arrays are, therefore, useful when searches are frequent, but insertions and deletions are not.

Dynamic (Resizable) Array

In a dynamic array, the size of the array is managed internally. Typically, it’s required to provide the initial array capacity, but it will grow or be reduced depending on the amount of items.

If the number of items in the array is close to the reserved array capacity, the new double-sized array is created, and all the items are copied there.



List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>();
numbers = []
vector<int> number;
const numbers = [];
const numbers: number[] = [];

In some programming languages, like Python and JavaScript, dynamic arrays are default.


Kadane’s Algorithm

Kadane’s Algorithm is a dynamic programming technique used to find the maximum subarray sum within a given array of numbers. The algorithm takes O(n) time complexity and handles positive and negative numbers.

Algorithm description:

  1. Initialize current sum = 0 and max = arr[0]
  2. Loop through the arr:
    • If sum < 0 then sum = 0 (negative value can’t increase our maximum)
    • Add the current n element to the sum
    • If sum > max then max = sum
arr     [4  -1  2  -7  3  4]
sum  0   4   3  5  -2  3  7   # max(sum, 0) + n
max  4   4   4  5   5  5  7   # max(sum, max)


public static int maxSubArraySum(int[] arr) {
  int curSum = 0;
  int maxSum = arr[0];

  for (int num : arr) {
    curSum = Math.max(curSum, 0);      // get current positive sum or 0
    curSum += num;                     // add current number
    maxSum = Math.max(maxSum, curSum); // update max if greater

  return maxSum;
public static int[] maxSubArrayPositions(int[] arr) {
  int curSum = 0, maxSum = arr[0];
  int maxL = 0, maxR = 0;

  for (int R = 0, L = 0; R < arr.length; R++) {
    if (curSum < 0) {
      curSum = 0; // reset current sum
      L = R;      // reset left pointer

    curSum += arr[R];
    if (curSum > maxSum) {
      maxSum = curSum; // update max sum
      maxL = L;        // update max pointers
      maxR = R;

  return new int[] { maxL, maxR };